

Stroke Thickness

This slider adjusts the tickness of the pencil strokes to imitate shart of stumpy pencils.

Stroke thickness 1

Stroke thickness 4

Colorize Strokes

With this switch a colorful or black and white variant can be achieved.


black and white

Stroke Granularity

This slider adjusts the length of the strokes to create fine or coarse drawings.

Stroke granularity 0,1

Stroke granularity 1,0


The amount of automatically detected contours can be manipulated using this slider.

Contours 1

Contours 2,5

Stroke Accuracy

This slider defines whether the strokes are drawn accurately or sketchy.

Stroke accuracy 0,1

Stroke accuracy 0,5


Using this slider, brightness of the image can be changed by adjusting the stroke density.

Brightness -2,0

default brightness

Brightness +2,0


The contrast that results from the stroke density.

Contrast -1,0

default Contrast

Contrast +1,0


This preset is optimized for most use cases. Colorful strokes are mixed with dark contours.

Stumpy Pencil

Thick strokes with large countours imitate the style of a stumpy pencil. A bright grey tone accentuate the image.

Sharp Pencil

Accurate, sharp strokes constitute the style of a sharp pencil. The result is a black and white drawing with fine outlines.

Strong Black and White

This preset is characterized by a contrasty back and white style with coarse stroke.

Lighten Black and White

A bright black and white style with spare contours results in a sketchy drawing


This preset imitates the look of a file liner that draws colorful strokes with black outlines.


Bright, curved strokes revealing fine details are complemented by black, sharp contours.